
About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Amy and, as you probably guessed, I love nail polish! I decided to start this blog after I noticed I spent too much time away from my computer and more time with my phone to keep up with my original blog Happy Little Nails. I take a lot of my pictures for other social media like Instagram, so I figured I could move that idea over here.... and this blog was born!

About polish: I can't say for sure WHAT got me into polish. I remember I used to not understand how someone could spend so much time on nails, but then I got into it and that was it. I was HOOKED! That was originally a year ago.

I'm 23 years old and am from the United States. I live in the Midwest area of the country! Hope you all enjoy the pictures and that they help in color polish selections! If you have any questions, please email  me at travelinnails[at] I'd love to hear from any of you!